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“Orion and the Dark” Movie Review: A Heartfelt Tale of Overcoming Fear

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  • Post last modified:February 26, 2024

Welcome to Lugey Ali, where we’re diving into the enchanting world of “Orion and the Dark.” This DreamWorks and Netflix collaboration is a delightful surprise that blends a Pixar-like approach to storytelling with a unique twist. Written by the renowned Charlie Kaufman, this family film takes viewers on a journey with Orion, a young boy who is afraid of everything, especially the dark. So, grab your popcorn and join us as we explore this heartwarming tale of overcoming fear and embracing the unknown.

The film introduces us to Orion in a clever prologue that sets the stage for his fear of the dark. After meeting the literal Dark (voiced by Paul Walter Hauser), Orion embarks on an adventure around the world, learning about the night from various characters like Sweet Dreams (voiced by Angela Bassett) and Sleep (voiced by Natasia Demetriou).

“Orion and the Dark” stands out for its sharp character design, entertaining dialogue, and positive messaging. It doesn’t just follow the Pixar template; it builds on it, creating a heartwarming story that resonates with audiences of all ages.

Paul Walter Hauser’s vocal performance as the Dark is particularly noteworthy, as he brings depth and vulnerability to a character that could have easily been one-dimensional. His portrayal of the Dark as someone who is also afraid of being ignored and unneeded adds layers to the film’s narrative.

Overall, “Orion and the Dark” is a must-watch for anyone looking for a heartfelt tale of overcoming fear and embracing the unknown. With its Pixar-like approach and unique twist, it’s sure to become a family favorite.

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